By: Anisha Joi King

Wash over me love, let your waters cleanse my heart and drain away the soot. Let the waves of your rain purify the darkest crevices of my heart, and renew them with your liquid ebbs.

Let me be one with the powers that reside within your force. Trickle down upon me love, let me sink not below to a barren tile floor. Let me rise up, and relax upon the embraces of your soothing drenches.

Pour over me love, flood into the dead cells of my life, and rejuvenate them in ways that only you can. Saturate my soul with your interminable presence, and shoot gushes of water over the raging fires that threaten to flame.

Wash over me love, soothe me with your unconditional, unabated waves of determination. Drown out the demons that caw and crawl within, send them spiraling down a drain from which they which they may never return. Flood out their heinous voices, so their cries can overwhelm me no more.

Rain down on me love, pour your goodness over me time and time again. Overtake me, until my heart can resist you no more.

Purge the poisons of my mind, strain out the chemicals that yearn to see me fade away. Filter out all that beckons to destroy, and replace them will your immortal cells of joy and rejuvenation.

I will wait patiently love, as you cleanse me like only you can.